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203515 - Silver dinner fork and knife.

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Silver dinner fork and knife.

Russian Empire (Russia), Moscow, the 1899-1908, Faberge Firm - Supplier the Russian Imperial Court.

Dinner fork, length: 21 cm.
Dining knife, length: 27 cm.

Fork weight: 76 grams of silver 84 fineness in zolotniki ( = 875 metrical fineness).
Total weight of knife with silver handles and steel blades: 109 grams.

Marks on the fork:

"МАА" - the mark with initials of Andreeva Matryona Andreevna, owned of gold- and silverware factory,
(worked since 1894 to 1908).

"Фаберже" under a two-headed eagle – the mark of Karl Gustavovich Faberge
(since 1870 the owner of the company founded in 1842 in St. Petersburg by his father Gustav Faberge)
and Imperial Warrant mark, certifying the title Supplier the Russian Imperial Court.

The triple Russian hallmark in a oval frame-shape, 1899-1908 -
"the women’s head wearing a kokoshnik facing to the left" with number "84" and letters "ИЛ", where:
"the women’s head wearing a kokoshnik facing to the left" – the national hallmark;
"ИЛ" - the initials of the assay master Lebedkin Ivan Sergeevich (Moscow, appointed in 1899).
"84" – the fineness mark (84 zolotniks = 875).

Marks on a knife:

"КФ" -the mark with initials of Karl Gustavovich Faberge
(since 1870 the owner of the company founded in 1842 in St. Petersburg by his father Gustav Faberge)
and Imperial Warrant mark, certifying the title Supplier the Russian Imperial Court.

The triple Russian-Soviet hallmark in a oval frame-shape, 1908-1926 -
"the women’s head wearing a kokoshnik facing to the right" with number 84 and letter "Δ" (delta), where:
"the women’s head wearing a kokoshnik facing to the right" – the national hallmark;
"Δ" (delta) - code of the Moscow Assaying Office;
"84" - the fineness mark (84 zolotniks = 875).

The knife blade bears the mark of K. Faberge.


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