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210844 - Silver punch cup with chacha,

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Silver punch cup with chacha,
decorated with an engraved design of a bunch of grapes​.

Georgian SSR, Jewelry Factory, Tbilisi, year 1975.

Height: 4.5 cm, diameter of the top: 3.2 cm. Volume: 20 ml.
Weight: 26 grams of silver 875 fineness.


"5ТЮ" - mark Jewelry Factory, Tbilisi, year 1975.

The triple Soviet-Russian hallmark, 1958-1993 –
"sickle and hammer inside a five-pointed star" with letter "г" and number "875", where:
"sickle and hammer inside a five-pointed star" – the national hallmark;
letter "г" - code of the Tbilisi city (Georgia);
"875" – the fineness mark.

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