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263276 - Зарянка, RC_2266
227669 - Чайка, RC_1468
268090 - Фарфоровая фигура "Щенок таксы". Royal Copenhagen
279004 - Фарфоровая фигура "Пекинес". Royal Copenhagen
208683 - Фарфоровая фигура Мышь на сахаре. Royal Copenhagen
237978 - Фарфоровая фигура Мышь на каштане. Royal Copenhagen
183874 - Фарфоровая фигура "Чайка". Royal Copenhagen
215109 - Фарфоровая фигура "Медвежонок". Royal Copenhagen
195147 - Фарфоровая фигура Силихем-терьер​​. Royal Doulton

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263276 - Зарянка, RC_2266

Скол на клеве, отколото крыло

268090 - Фарфоровая фигура "Щенок таксы". Royal Copenhagen

Porcelain figurine "Dachshund puppy​".
Hand-painted underglaze.

Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1953.
Sculptor: Olaf Mathiesen (years of life: 1878-1935).
Painting design: 1238
Model: 1407. Produced since 1912.
The initials of the artist painted this figurin: MNX .
Factory mark.

Height: 7 cm, length: 10.5 cm.

Figurine of the first sort.
Without chips, damage and restorations.

The figurine was produced also after the merger of the factories
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl (1985-1989) under the brand name Royal Copenhagen, model: 102.

RC_1407_1238 (RCN_102) Собака Такса
Изображение загружается

279004 - Фарфоровая фигура "Пекинес". Royal Copenhagen

Porcelain figurine "Pekingese".
Hand-painted underglaze.

Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1968.
Sculptor: Peter Herold (years of life: 1879-1920).
Model: 1776. Produced since 1916.
The initials of the artist painted this figurine: ST .
Factory mark.

Height: 11,5 cm.

Figurine of the first sort.
Without chips, damage and restorations.

RC_1776 Собака
Изображение загружается

208683 - Фарфоровая фигура Мышь на сахаре. Royal Copenhagen

Porcelain figurine "Mouse on sugar".
Hand-painted underglaze.

Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1950.
Sculptor: Erik Nielsen (years of life: 1857-1926, worked at the factory since 1887 to 1926).
Model: 510. Produced since 1890.
The initials of the artist painted this figurine: xcx .
Factory mark.

Height: 4 cm.

Figurine of the first sort.
Without chips, damages and restorations.

The figurine was produced also after the merger of the factories Royal Copenhagen
and Bing & Grondahl (1985-1989) under the brand name Royal Copenhagen, model: 062.

RC_510 (RCN_062) Грызуны Мышь
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237978 - Фарфоровая фигура Мышь на каштане. Royal Copenhagen

Porcelain figurine "Mouse on chestnut".
Hand-painted underglaze.

Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1963.
Sculptor: Erik Nielsen (years of life: 1857 - 1947; worked at the factory since 1887 to 1926).
Model: 511. Produced since 1890.
​The initials of the artist painted this figurine.
Factory mark.

Height: 6.5 cm.

Figurine of the first sort.
Chip on right ear.

The figurine was produced also after the merger of the factories
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl (1985-1989)
under the brand name Royal Copenhagen, model: 063.
The figurine was also released under model number: 5906.

RC_511 (RCN_063 RC_5906) Грызуны Мышь
Изображение загружается

183874 - Фарфоровая фигура "Чайка". Royal Copenhagen

Porcelain figurine "Seagull".
Hand-painted underglaze.

Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, the 1923-1928.
Sculptor: Peter Herold (years of life: 1879-1920).
Model: 1468. Produced since 1913.
"159" - the number of the artist, painted this figurine, worked at the factory since 1911 to 1931.
Factory mark.

Length: 13 cm.

Figurine of the first sort.
Broken off tail.

The figurine was produced also after the merger of the factories Royal Copenhagen and
Bing & Grondahl (1985-1989) under the brand name Royal Copenhagen, model: 104.

RC_1468 (RCN_104) Птицы
Изображение загружается

215109 - Фарфоровая фигура "Медвежонок". Royal Copenhagen

Porcelain figurine "Bear".
Hand-painted underglaze.

Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1953.
Sculptor: Knud Kyhn (years of life: 1880-1969).
Model: 1124.
The initials of the artist painted this figurine: NhI .
Factory mark.

Height: 6.7 cm, length: 7.5 cm.

Figurine of the first sort.
Without chips, damage and restorations.

RC_1124 Дикие животные Медведь
Изображение загружается

195147 - Фарфоровая фигура Силихем-терьер​​. Royal Doulton

Porcelain figurine "Sealyham Terrier Standing (Medium)​".
Hand-painted underglaze.

England, Royal Doulton Porcelain, the 1931-1955.
Designer: Frederick Daws.
Model: HN 1031.
Factory mark.

Height: 10 cm, length: 16.7 cm.

Hairline crack on the side.

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