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260815 - Серебряный набор для специй, 4 предмета. Англия, 1903 год.
282347 - Небольшая серебряная банка. Голландия, 1898 год.

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260815 - Серебряный набор для специй, 4 предмета. Англия, 1903 год.

Silver spice set, 4 items:
sugar shaker castor, salt cellar, pepper shaker and mustard.
Decorated with floral patterns.

England, Birmingham, year 1903, workshop of Henry Matthews (worked since 1894 to 1930).

Height of the powdered sugar container is 15.5 cm, diameter of the base is 5.5 cm, the diameter of the top: 6 cm.
Height of the salt and pepper shakers: 9.5 cm, diameter of the base: 3.5 cm,diameter of the top: 3.2 cm.
Height of the mustard pot by the grip on the lid:8.5 cm, diameter of the base: 4 cm, the diameter of the top: 5 cm.

Total weight: 355 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness
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282347 - Небольшая серебряная банка. Голландия, 1898 год.

Small silver jar or jewelry box​​,
decorated with floral pattern​.

Holland, year 1898.

Height: 5 cm, base size: 3 x 3 cm.
Weight: 23 grams of silver 833 fineness.
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