249320 - Серебряная миниатюра "Танец". Европа. Silver miniature "Dance".
Europe, 20th century.
Height: 5 cm. Weight: 22 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness. 215902 - Серебряная ваза с подвесками на ножке. Египет Silver bowl with pendants on a leg, decorated with a pattern.
Egypt, after 1946.
Height: 2.7 cm, bowl diameter: 6.5 cm. Weight: 49 grams of silver 900 fineness.
Several suspensions are lost. 264332 - Серебряная фигура павлина. Испания Silver figure of a peacock.
Spain, the 1934-1988.
Height: 5.2 cm, length: 15 cm. Weight: 38 grams of silver 915 fineness. 206194 - Посеребренный колокольчик в виде горна. Европа. Silver plated bell in the form of a bugle.
Europe, early 20th century.
Height: 13.5 cm. 285843 - Серебряный флакон для духов в виде броши. Мексика Silver bottle for perfume, made in the form of a brooch.
Mexico, first half of the 20th century.
Dimensions: 3.5 x 2.7 cm. Weight: 11 grams, sterling silver of 925 fineness. 223438 - Серебряная закладка для книг со слоном. Испания Silver bookmark with the figure of an elephant. Spain, Barcelona, the 1934-1988.Length: 6.8 cm. Weight: 3 grams of silver 915 fineness. 209262 - Закладка, 4 гр, 915 пр, 7,8 см
287023 - Серебряная сахарница с крышкой и ложкой. Испания, 20 век. Small silver sugar bowl with lid and spoon.
Spain, 20th century.
Sugar bowl height by the grip on the lid: 9 cm, bowl top diameter: 7.5 cm. Spoon length: 8.2 cm.
Weight: 115 grams of silver 916 fineness. 292549 - Серебряная чаша сомелье с монетой на дне. Испания Silver wine taster (tastevin, wine tasting cup) with a french silver coin of 1 thaler "Rom Imperator Carolvs Qvint".
Spain, mid-20th century.
Height: 3.3 cm, diameter of the top: 8 cm. Weight: 77 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness. 290906 - Серебряная пепельница с масляной лампой. Испания Silver ashtray with oil lamp to light cigars.
Spain, Barcelona, the 1934-1988.
Height: 6 cm, diameter: 7.5 cm. Weight: 57 grams of silver 915 fineness. 274048 - Серебряное ситечко. Испания Silver strainer.
Spain, the 1934-1988.
Length: 12.5 cm, diameter: 8 cm. Weight: 52 grams of silver 915 fineness. 256075 - Серебряное ситечко. Испания Silver strainer.
Spain, the 1934-1988.
Length: 9 cm, diameter: 7.2 cm. Weight: 27 grams of silver 915 fineness. 277620 - Серебряная солонка. Англия, 1901 год. Silver salt cellar, decorated with floral ornaments.
England, Birmingham, year 1901, workshop Sydney Thomas Steel (worked since 1898 to 1902).
Dimensions: 7 x 4.3 x 2.7 cm. Weight: 13 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness. 185481 - Серебряная солонка. Англия, 1901 год. Silver salt cellar, decorated with floral ornaments.
England, Birmingham, year 1901, workshop Sydney Thomas Steel (worked since 1898 to 1902).
Dimensions: 7 x 4.3 x 2.7 cm. Weight: 12 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness. 254145 - Серебряная миниатюра "Граф", 29 гр, высота 5,2 см
231209 - Серебряная миниатюра "Пингвин на голове обезьяны". Испания. Silver miniature "Penguin on the head of a monkey".
Spain, 20th century.
Height: 4 cm. Weight: 20 grams of silver 915 fineness. 297788 - Серебряная миниатюра "Ребенок на лошадке-качалке". США Silver miniature "Child on a rocking horse".
Possibly USA, 20th century.
Height: 5 cm. Weight: 32 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness. 256704 - Серебряная миниатюра "Мальчик с ламами". Перу Silver miniature "Boy with llamas".
Peru, 20th century.
Height: 4 cm. Weight: 43 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness. 186447 - Серебряный пламегаситель. Германия, Simon Rosenau. Silver flame arrester in the form of a girl figurine.
Germany, Bad Kissingen/Hanau, after 1886, workshop of Simon Rosenau (worked since 1863 to 1932).
Height: 6 cm, diameter: 2.3 cm. Weight: 16 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness. 219405 - Серебряная миниатюра Сани, 14 гр, 800 пр, высота 3 см, длина 6,5 см, ширина 1,8 см
186827 - Серебряная миниатюра парусного судна. Европа Silver miniature of a sailing ship.
Europe, 20th century.
Height: 9.6 cm, length: 9 cm. Weight: 31 grams of silver 830 fineness.
Лодка Парусник 221832 - Небольшая серебряная воронка. Мексика Small silver funnel.
Mexico, workshop Taxco, 20th century.
Length: 4 cm, diameter: 2.2 cm. Weight: 2 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness.
There is soldering. 182025 - Серебряная ваза с ручкой в виде листа. Испания Silver bowl with leaf-shaped handle.
Spain, the 1934-1988.
Height: 1 cm, diameter: 10.5 cm. Weight: 29 grams of silver 915 fineness. 208548 - Серебряная подставка под рюмку. Испания Barware serving silver coaster.
Spain, the 1934-1988.
Size: 8.5 х 8.5 см. Weight: 19 grams of silver 915 fineness.
There are a few dotted dents on the bottom. 229889 - Серебряная стопка на ножках-шарах. Германия Silver vodka cups (shot cup) on ball legs, decorated with floral pattern.
Germany, first half of the 20th century.
Height: 6 cm, diameter of the top: 4 cm. Volume: 60 ml. Weight: 24 grams of silver 800 fineness.
There are a couple of small dents on the edge of the base. 206118 - Серебряная солонка в виде воробья. Испания Silver salt shaker in the form of sparrow.
Spain, the 1934-1988.
Height: 5 cm, length: 7 cm. Weight: 59 grams of silver 915 fineness. 281173 - Серебряная миниатюра Повозка с буйволами. Португалия Silver miniature "Wagon with buffaloes".
Portugal, Lisbon, the 1887 - 1937.
Height: 2.2 cm, length: 4.7 cm, width: 1.3 cm. Weight: 6 grams of silver 830 fineness.
There are small cracks at the corners of the roof. 143425 - Серебряная подставка для зубочисток. Европа Small silver holder for toothpicks.
Europe, first half of the 20th century.
Height: 5.5 cm, size of the top: 3 x 3 cm. Weight: 17 grams of silver 830 fineness. 298139 - Серебряный миниатюрный подсвечник. Европа Silver miniature candlestick.
Europe, first half of the 20th century.
Height: 8 cm, base size: 3.5 x 3.5 cm, candle hole diameter: 0.7 cm Weight: 49 grams of silver 830 fineness. 226569 - Серебряная солонка с ложкой. E. CURLEY. Silver salt cellar with spoon. E. CURLEY.
Pay attention to the sizes.
Native American (Navajo) E.Curley, 1970s.
Salt cellar dimensions: 4.2 x 3.2 x 1.5 cm. Spoon length: 5 cm.
Total weight: 19 grams of silver 830 fineness. 205837 - Миниатюрный серебряный парусник. Европа Miniature silver sailboat.
Europe, first half of the 20th century.
Height: 6 cm, length: 6.2 cm. Weight: 11 grams of silver 830 fineness. 294600 - Серебряная емкость для хранения в виде кувшина. Европа Silver storage container in the form of a miniature jug.
Europe, first half of the 20th century.
Height: 5.8 cm. Weight: 24 grams of silver 830 fineness. 269402 - Серебряная модель машины, филигрань. 20 век. Silver car model, filigree. 20th century.
Length: 7.5 cm, width: 4 cm, height: 4 cm. Weight: 45 grams of sterling silver not less than 925 fineness. 268414 - Бельгийская серебряная монета номиналом 5 экю 1987 года. 1987 Belgian 5 ecu silver coin "30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome".
Belgium, year 1987.
Diameter: 37 mm. Weight: 23 grams of silver 833 fineness. 295776 - Посеребренное кадило или ваза для благовоний. Европа Silver plated censer or incense vase.
Southern Europe, early 20th century.
Height: 9 cm. |