236835 - Фарфоровый гаситель для свечи Тодди. Royal Worcester Porcelain candle snuffer "Toddie" Hand-painted underglaze.
England, Royal Worcester, year 1976. Factory mark.
Height: 9.5 cm, size of the bottom of the figurine: 3.5 x 3.8 cm.
Without chips, damage and restorations.
Люди Дети 232565 - Фарфоровый гаситель для свечи. Royal Worcester Porcelain candle snuffer "Housemaid" Hand-painted underglaze.
England, Royal Worcester, 20th century. Factory mark.
Height: 6.5 cm, size of the bottom of the figurine: 3.5 x 3.5 cm.
The hem on the right side is glued together with fragments missing.
Люди 220012 - Фарфоровый гаситель для свечи Монахиня. Worcester Porcelain candle snuffer "Nun" Hand-painted underglaze.
England, Royal Worcester, 20th century. Factory mark.
Height: 9.5 cm, size of the bottom of the figurine: 4 x 3.5 cm.
Without chips, damage and restorations.
Люди Религия 203309 - Фарфоровый гаситель для свечи Сова. Royal Worcester. Porcelain candle snuffer "Owl" Hand-painted underglaze.
England, Royal Worcester, year 1976. Factory mark.
Height: 8 cm, size of the bottom of the figurine: 3.8 x 3.8 cm.
Without chips, damage and restorations.
Птицы 237959 - Фарфоровая ваза с вьюнком. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain vase with a picture of a flower (Bindweed Blue). Hand-painted underglaze.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, the 1969-1974. Painting design: 2800. Model: 1554. The initials of the artist painted this vase: NA . Factory mark.
Height: 12 cm, diameter of the top: 4.2 cm.
Vase of the first sort. Without chips, damage and restorations.
RC_2800_1554 230461 - Фарфоровая фигура "Девушка из Валенсии". Lladro Porcelain figurine "Girl from Valencia". Hand-painted underglaze.
Spain, Lladro, 20th century. Sculptor: Fulgencio Garcia. Lladro SKU 01004841. With drawal year: 2017. Factory mark.
Height: 17 cm, base size: 5.5 x 5 cm.
Without chips, damage and restorations.
LL_01004841 Люди Дети 198385 - Девочка с ягненком, размер основания 8,5 х 7 см, Испания, LladroДевочка с ягненком, размер основания 8,5 х 7 см, Испания, Lladroразбита голова, отбита правая рука