243153 - Керамическая фигура Обнаженная девушка. L. Hjorth Ceramic figurine "Seated nude girl".
Denmark, Bornholm, L. Hjorth Keramik, first half of 20th century. Author: Lauritz Adolph Hjorth (years of life: 1834-1912) Model: 573. Factory mark.
Height: 11 cm, base size: 6.5 x 5.7 cm.
On the hands, apparently smeared chip.
283344 - Фигура "Обезьяна с черепахой". Bing & Grondahl. Ceramic figurine "Monkey looking at tortoise". Stoneware.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Bing & Grondahl. Sculptor: Jens Peter Dahl-Jensen (years of life: 1874-1960). Model: 1510. The initials of the artist painted this figurine: LA . Factory mark: 3 towers B&G, the 1970-1983.
Height: 13.5 cm, length: 13 cm.
Figurine of the first sort. No chips, damages and restorations.
The same figurine was produced by Bing & Grondahl in underglaze painting.
BG_1510 Дикие животные Черепаха
244117 - Фарфоровая ваза с видом на замок. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain vase with a view of Rosenborg Castle. Hand-painted underglaze.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1964. Model: 4567. The initials of the artist painted this vase: RD . Factory mark.
Height: 17 cm, diameter of the top: 8.8 cm.
Vase of the second sort. Without chips, damage and restorations.
214811 - Фарфоровая ваза с видом на замок. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain bowl (dish) with a view of Kronborg Castle and a sailing boat. Hand-painted underglaze.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1956. Painting design: 2141 Model: 3606. The initials of the artist painted this bowl: OMX . Factory mark.
Height: 5.5 cm, diameter: 25 cm.
Bowl of the second sort. Without chips, damage and restorations.
RC_2141_3606 Парусник Лодка
292794 - Фарфоровая ваза с цветущей веткой. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain vase, decorated with a blossom branch apple trees. Hand-painted underglaze.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1961. Painting design: 863 Model: 51. The initials of the artist painted this vase: SG . Factory mark.
Height: 21.5 cm, diameter of the top: 4.8 cm.
Vase of the first sort. Without chips, damage and restorations.
289398 - Фарфоровая ваза с лотосом и стрекозой. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain vase, decorated with the image of a lotus and a flying dragonfly. Hand-painted underglaze.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1954. Painting design: 2669. Model: 108. The initials of the artist painted this vase: LBX . Factory mark.
Height: 17 cm, diameter of the top: 8.8 cm.
Vase of the first sort. Without chips, damage and restorations.
RC_2669_108 Насекомые Стрекоза
262185 - Фарфоровая ваза с птицей. B Bloch & Co Eichwald Porcelain vase with the image of a waxwing. Hand-painted underglaze.
Germany/Czechoslovakia, B Bloch & Co Eichwald, from 1915 to the present. Factory mark.
Height: 25.5 cm, diameter of the top: 5.5 cm.
From the neck down the body there is a crack of about 4 cm.
Птицы Свиристель
273264 - Керамическая фигура "Медведь". Soholm Stentoj Ceramic figurine "Bear". Stoneware.
Denmark, Soholm Stentoj (worked since 1835 to 1996). Sculptor: Joseph Simon (born in 1934). Model: 767 Factory mark.
Height: 7 cm, length: 10.5 cm.
Без сколов, повреждений и без реставраций.
Дикие животные
281963 - Фарфоровая фигура Вяжущая девочка. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain figurine "Girl knitting". Hand-painted underglaze.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, year 1953. Sculptor: Lotte Benter. Model: 1314, produced since 1911. The initials of the artist painted this figurine: LDX . Factory mark.
Height: 15 cm.
Figurine of the first sort. No chips, damage and no restorations.
Series includes: Knitting girl, model: 1314 Amager girl, model: 1315 Amager girls (shopping), model: 1316 Woman knitting, model: 1317
RC_1314 Люди Дети Национальный костюм Амагеры
185176 - Фарфоровая ваза c ежевикой. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain vase, decorated with blossoming blackberry branch. Hand-painted underglaze.
Denmark, Copenhagen, Royal Copenhagen, mid 20th century. Painting design: 288. Model: 42b. The initials of the artist painted this vase: AV . Factory mark.
Height: 14 cm, diameter of the top: 10 cm.
Vase of the first sort. Without chips, damage and restorations.