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292867 - Porcelain tea set for 6 persons, 21 items.

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Porcelain tea set for 6 persons, 21 items.
Design "Agashki", shape "White Swan".

RSFSR, the 1991-1992, Dulevo Porcelain Factory.
Factory mark.

Cups, 6 pcs, height: 5.5 cm, diameter of the top: 9.5 cm. Volume: 150 ml.
Saucers, 6 pcs, height: 2.3 cm, diameter: 13.5 cm.
Dessert plates, 6 pcs, height: 2.2 cm, diameter: 17 cm.
Teapot, grip height on lid: 14.5 cm. Volume: 600 ml.
Sugar bowl, grip height on lid: 11 cm.
Milk jug, spout height: 10 cm. Volume: 300 ml.

One cup second sort.
On some products there is a slight manufacturing defect in the form
of individual small dots not painted over with glaze.

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