186488 - Серебряная сервировочная лопатка. Германия Silver cake pie server (spatula) with a sailboat on the handle.
Germany, Frankfurt am Main, first half of the 20th century, workshop of Adolf Mayer.
Length: 17.7 cm. Weight: 38 grams of silver 800 fineness.
236634 - Серебряное ситечко для чая. Европа, середина 20 века. Silver strainer for tea. Wooden handle.
Europe, mid-20th century. Most likely made in Denmark.
Length: 15.7 cm, diameter: 7.3 cm. Weight: 33 grams, silver of 830 fineness.
257996 - Серебряный беби пушер. Англия, 1929 год. Silver baby pusher.
England, Birmingham, year 1929.
Length: 8.7 cm. Weight: 18 grams of sterling silver 925 fineness.
There is engraving.
205790 - Серебряные кондитерские щипцы. Швеция, 1955 год. Silver pastry tongs (pastry server).
Sweden, Malmo, year 1955, workshop Gewe Silvervarufabriken (worked since 1939 to 1984).
Length: 13.3 cm. Weight: 23 grams of silver 830 fineness.
275629 - Серебряный портсигар. Ввезен в Швецию Silver cigarette case.
Was imported to Sweden, the 1912-1988.
Maximum dimensions: 9.5 x 8 x 3 cm; internal size: 8.4 x 7.3 cm.
Weight: 110 grams of silver 830 fineness.
The covers have small dents and scratches. With an engraved crown inside.
240256 - Слиток серебра 999 пробы. Silver bar, Credit Suisse bank.
The Essayeur Fondeur stamp on a bullion bar tells the buyer that one of the world's largest refiners stands behind the purity and quality of the finished product.
Dimensions: 3 x 1.7 x 0.3 cm. Weight: 20 grams of silver 999 fineness.